The Reykjavik Grapevine

Referendum on Increasing Aluminum Plant Delayed

Hafnarfjörður town council has decided that it would be unrealistic to hold a referendum on whether or not to let the Alcan plant expand in size on the same day that the referendum on the Icesave law is scheduled. No new date has been scheduled, but the matter is expected to be resolved within the following week, RÚV reports.
A referendum on expanding the plant in 2007 ended in defeat for Alcan, leaving sore feelings in its wake. The conservative Independence Party – which holds minority seats in town council, and supports the expansion of the plant – has proposed that the matter not be taken up by referendum but rather within town council itself.
The matter has only recently come up again, as enough signatures were gather, according to town law, to allow for another referendum on the matter.
Those in favor of increasing the plant’s size say it will increase the output, and create jobs. Those against it have questioned the environmental impact the plant would have on the region, as well as what it would do to the landscape.