The Reykjavik Grapevine

Most Want to Withdraw EU Application

Most Icelanders want their country to withdraw its application for admission into the European Union, according to the latest poll.
Of those surveyed, 58% said they were either very in favor or rather in favor of Iceland withdrawing its application to the EU. At the same time, only 24% said they were very against or rather against the idea.
Iceland’s application to the EU will be formally discussed by EU leaders on 17 June; coincidentally, Iceland’s independence day. Should EU leaders formally agree to accept the application, talks will begin between Iceland and the European Union. Should those talks prove fruitful, the matter will then need to be put to a national referendum for final approval.
As it is, most Icelanders are against joining the EU due to such concerns as sovereignty of fishing waters, fear that unemployment will increase, and the cost of the application process itself – two out of three respondents to the survey believe the 990 million ISK estimated for the application process is too high.