National Doctor Says Detox Therapy Has No Proven Medical Benefits
Matthías Halldórsson, the assistant Medical Director of Iceland, told morning radio yesterday that the so-called Detox Therapy being touted by Jónína Benediktsdóttir has no proven medical benefits, and could even be dangerous.
While Matthías admitted that the portion of Detox that recommends eating right and exercising is good advice, the procedure whereby the contents of the colon are flushed out is not shown to have any medical benefits whatsoever, adding that it was misleading to advertise the procedure as having any.
Furthermore, anyone in Iceland offering medical treatment must receive official sanction from the Medical Director to do so.
Jónína Benediktsdóttir, who was originally best known for leaking confidential e-mails about Baugur Group to the media a few years back, countered Matthías’ remarks by saying many people have reported great benefits from the treatment. Matthías responded that many people also claim to have been miraculously healed by televangelist Benny Hinn’s “laying on hands and calling down the Lord” treatment, but it still doesn’t stand up to medical scrutiny.