Protesting Treatment of Roma People
With the arrival of Slovakian president Ivan Gašparovič at parliament today, a demonstration is being held protesting the country’s treatment of Roma children.
The protest, being orgnaized by Amnesty International, is going on as this is being typed. In a statement from Amnesty to the media, they point out that Slovakia’s school system grossly discriminates against Roma children, who are given poor education and worse facilities than other Slovakians. This, Amnesty says, in due to widespread discrimination against Roma people in general.
However, Amnesty points out that last month, the government of Slovakia passed a measure called “Steps to end segregation in education,” which is aimed to integrate Roma children into better schools. Amnesty worries, though, that the measure has not received enough support, nor has a clear enough statement from the government been given denouncing racism against Roma people.
“The decisions that the government of the country takes next will effect the lives of thousands of Roma children,” the statement concludes. “It is in the hands of the government to ensure that Roma people have the possibility of full participation in Slovakian and European society.”