Protesters In New York Support Reykjavík Nine
The Grapevine has received a statement of support from activists in New York City. The statement is as follows:
Greetings from New York! We had a wonderful time showing our solidarity with the Reykjavik 9 on Wednesday, the second day of trial in Iceland. At noon, we gathered at the New York City Icelandic Consulate, located in the heart of capitalist midtown Manhattan, chanted “Solidarity with the Reykjavik 9! Trial continues today! We are watching!” and handed out information sheets to passersby. We received a great response from on-lookers, many of whom were very sympathetic!
We say that we stand in the ranks of the thousands who have signed on to an open letter to the Icelandic Parliament, stating that they are in full support of the actions of the Reykjavik 9! We state unequivocally as concerned individuals that we support the events of 8 December, 2008 where following a period of complete economic meltdown, a group of compassionate activists boldly entered the Parliament building and read a petition calling for the Parliament’s resignation!
We say: Arrest the financiers for market manipulation, not ordinary individuals expressing their concern over their own futures. This trial is nothing short of a debacle and is truly a pathetic joke. The whole world is watching!
Solidarity with the people of Iceland and the Reykjavik 9!
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