The Reykjavik Grapevine

Gas Prices Peak, Men Grow Moustaches

On the front page, Morgunblaðið reports, “interest costs [are] overrated.” Advocate to the Supreme Court Reimar Pétursson says the estimated cost to Iceland if it were to lose the Icesave case in court was not calculated correctly.
Today’s photo shows fuel prices: 226.9 for gas and 231.8 for diesel. “Fuel prices reach peak,” it says.
“Money transfers [are] difficult.” After the Icelandic króna crashed, the standard of living for immigrants who send money back to their home country has diminished.  There is a “dispute over Eyraroddi property;” the official receiver will start advertising property today, and Höskuldur Þórhallsson is “not one of the presenters of the movement.”
Meanwhile, Fréttablaðið features a photo of two grinning men sporting black moustaches. “Moustache Competition,” the caption reads. Police and fire fighters met at the Laugardalur ice rink. They are wearing moustaches because it is ‘Moustache March’, an annual month long event in which men grow moustaches in support of the Icelandic Cancer Society.
In other news, “more want cutbacks than tax hikes,” a fire that broke out at Hurðarbaki in Svínadal is “suspected of being a spontaneous fire” (rather than the act of an arsonist), “cleanliness missing: staff bring home [Noro] viruses” from nursing homes, and Somalian “pirates steal a yacht: Danish kids taken hostage.”
DV is usually in this roundup but they don’t print on Tuesdays.

This is a daily roundup of the news that made it on the front page of Iceland’s newspapers. That is, the two most widely read dailys, Morgunblaðið and Fréttablaðið, and the popular tabloid, DV, which comes out four times per week.