The Reykjavik Grapevine

Carpooling Idea May Expand In West Fjörds

An interesting proposal regarding transportation in the West Fjörds has
come up – signs demarcating carpooling zones, for those who want a ride
or give others a ride.
Driving in the West Fjörds can be an often grueling ordeal, and the distances between towns long. Bæjarins bestu reports that private transportation company Leið hf. in Bolungarvík has
proposed that town council set up special road signs in the Ísafjörður
area for those who want a ride, or want to give someone else a ride. The
town councils of both Bolungarvík and Súðavík have already approved the
The proposal points out that while most everyone in Ísafjörður has their
own vehicle, “With the increase of tourists this coming summer it is
not unlikely that more people would make use [of such a sign.]”
Someone needing a ride would simply stand next to the sign to indicate
they need a ride, and kind-hearted drivers would then pick them up.
These signs already exist in Bolungarvík and Súðavík, but the drawback
is that while people can get rides in this way to Ísafjörður, they
cannot travel the same way back.
The Icelandic Tourist Board has heartily approved the idea as being both
environmentally friendly and cost-saving. It would also give tourists a
new and interesting way to experience Iceland.