The Reykjavik Grapevine

Paul Krugman Coming To Iceland

Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman will be coming to Iceland to take part in a conference on Iceland’s financial state after the crash.
The conference, entitled “Iceland’s Recovery – Lessons and Challenges”, is being organised in part by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the International Monetary Fund.
As the IMF introduction outlines, “During three thematic sessions, participants will assess the policies implemented to address the crisis, such as the use of capital controls and the handling of the banking sector. Iceland’s focus on preserving its social welfare system while undertaking a strong fiscal adjustment will also be reviewed, together with the way in which these policies were integrated into the IMF-supported program, which ended in August.”
Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir will make opening remarks. Krugman, along with other figures from the political, academic and financial world, both here and abroad, will be among the speakers at this conference. He will also sit on a Q&A panel at the conference’s conclusion, moderated by Martin Wolf of the Financial Times.
The conference will be held at Harpa, on October 27, starting at 8:00. For those who won’t be able to attend, the Ministry of Economic Affairs says they will be recording the entire event and making the videos publicly available online.