Tom Cruise Coming To Iceland

Actor and noted Scientologist Tom Cruise will be coming to Iceland for a few weeks for the shooting of a new movie.
The evening news of television station Stöð 2 reports that the actor will be arriving soon with his entourage, to work on the shooting of the movie based on the graphic novel Oblivion. The rights to the movie version were acquired by Disney, and the film will be directed by Joseph Kosinski.
Kosinki was in Iceland earlier, seeking filming locations for the movie. Shooting will take place next summer, in the Highlands. Along with Cruise, actresses Kate Bekingsale, Hayley Atwell and Dianne Kruger are also likely to arrive.
Shooting films in Iceland has been a popular event over the past ten years. Films shot in Iceland during this time include Die Another Day, Flags Of Our Fathers, and Beowulf And Grendel. Ben Stiller was in Iceland most recently, scouting locations for a new film. If his Twitter feed is any indication, he enjoyed his stay here.