The Reykjavik Grapevine

President “Can’t Quit Now”

Media analyst Egill Helgason contends that sitting president Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson will not drop out of the race, no matter how poorly he polls.
As has been reported, since broadcast journalist Þóra Arnórsdóttir announced that she is running for president, she has inspired a groundswell of support, polling far ahead of Ólafur in poll after poll. As a result, some have speculated that he may drop out of the race while there is still time.
This is out of the question, says media analyst and Grapevine contributor Egill Helgason. Writing on his blog, Egill contends that “Ólafur Ragnar is a political warrior, and can’t be known for anything other than not giving up until the fight is over.”
Egill wonders if it would be worse for Ólafur to quit now or lose in the end. “One could actually contend that it is his duty to keep going,” he says, and adds that even if Ólafur were to lose, this would not necessarily be the end of his political career.
“Trust in him measures higher than to any other politician,” Egill writes. “So the advantage is his to return to national matters – and could even attain the highest position, maybe even as prime minister.”