Drugs Turn Out To Be Tobacco
What police thought might have been a bag containing a dangerous, addictive drug turned out to be just tobacco.
Vísir reports that security guards at the Keflavík International Airport found a bag in a bathroom. The bag was taken into custody and delivered to the police, who in turn handed it over to customs for further inspection.
Although it was suspected initially that the bag contained drugs of some kind, it turned out to be tobacco – most likely snuff, a popular form of tobacco among young males in Iceland especially, who either snort it or make it into a form of mouth tobacco.
All told there was about 530 grammes of the substance, and it was wet. It is thought that whoever last owned the tobacco tried to flush it down the toilet, but was unsuccessful, and so abandoned it.
There are customs restrictions on how much snuff one may bring into Iceland, which might account for the tobacco’s abandonment.