The Reykjavik Grapevine

Reykjavík Residents Expected To Sort Garbage

City council has announced a new policy by which Reykjavík residents will be expected to sort their garbage before pick-up.
Vísir reports that in accordance with this new policy, city residents will not be allowed to throw out paper with their general garbage. Those who put paper in garbage cans meant for general trash will first receive a warning in the form of a sticker on their garbage can. If the offence is repeated, sanitation workers will simply not collect the garbage.
Two supervisors will be hired to see that garbage has been sorted properly, and will also manage setting stickers on cans meant for paper.
When these changes take effect depends on the neighbourhood. In the earliest instance, Kjalarnes residents will have to begin this sorting after October 1, while residents of Vesturbær will have to do so after May 2013.
It is expected that many if not most Reykjavík residents will elect to order blue trashcans intended for paper, with some 16,000 trashcans expected to be ordered within the next year. These blue trashcans cost 7,400 ISK.