Sidewalk Signs To Be Removed From Downtown
City council has come to the decision to ban all advertising signs from being displayed on city sidewalks. Some downtown merchants are less than pleased.
Vísir reports that the city has received numerous complaints that sidewalk signs have hindered the path of both pedestrians and cyclists alike, and anyone whose had to push a baby carriage or stroller downtown could probably attest to this. The Icelandic Organization of the Visually Impaired especially have seen the signs as a nuisance.
With all this in mind, city council arrived at the decision that starting today, advertising signs will not be allowed on city sidewalks without a special permit. In fact, such signs will not be permitted on any land owned by the city without permission.
While some may welcome the decision, not everyone is pleased. Vísir reports that Frank Michelsen, who works at the watch store on Laugavegur bearing his surname, says that the measure is “typical” of city council. “It’s in the style of much else that comes from the city,” he said. “Something is decided, an announcement is made, and we have to obey.”