Local Cat Shelter Fears Having To Close
The management of one of Iceland’s best-known cat shelters says they may have to soon shutter their doors if they do not received additional funding.
For many Icelanders, Kattholt is the essential cat shelter for the capital area. However, Vísir reports that the increasing cost of managing the facility is starting to take its toll.
Recently, the Cat Friendship Society of Iceland – which is a part of Kattholt – sent a letter to the municipalities of Kópavogur, Garðabær and Hafnarfjörður, urging them to engage in greater cooperation with Kattholt. 10% to 20% of strays brought to Kattholt are believed to come from these three towns.
However, the number of strays being brought in continues to rise. 600 to 700 cats are brought to the shelter each year, but 900 are expected for 2012 alone. At the same time, available funds continue to decrease.
As such, Kattholt fears that unless they receive greater funding and assistance from municipalities, they will have to close their doors in the near future. This could potentially displace hundreds of stray cats in the capital area.
Responses from the municipalities are still pending.