The Reykjavik Grapevine

A Day Without Violence

The general public is invited to gather to form a giant human peace sign today in downtown Reykjavík, in honour of Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday.
Today is the United Nation’s Day of Non-Violence. In celebration, locals have organised an event for the occasion which invites the general public to participate.

We encourage people to consider how violence appear in their own wife life. We call upon everyone to decide by themselves to neither use violence nor to agree to be victims of violence. Violence is not only physical, which appears in the war and fights. Violence appears in various forms such as; economical-ethnical- religious-psychological and moral violence. The root of violence is fear and fear is caused by lack of faith, in oneself, others and in the future. The only way to end the violence in ourselves and in others, in this world we live in is to cultivate our inner faith in ourselves, others and in the future.
All actions continue in another and the most ethically moral action is: “Treat others as you want others to treat you.” If we as individuals expect the best for ourselves, then we should be responsible for our actions and give others our best. This will start here and now with you and me and we are responsible for this to continue in those around us, until it has reached the most remote place on earth.

In honour of the occasion of Gandhi’s birthday, Samhljómur menningar heima (Convergence of Cultures), in cooperation with others, will help to form a human peace sign on Klambratún at 20:00 today. The general public is invited to attend.
For a look at how human peace signs tend to pan out, watch the following video: