High Winds Rock Iceland
Winds in excess of 70 metres per second are being reported around Iceland. Police are warning those traveling to take extra caution.
The Icelandic Met Office is already reporting winds in excess of 28 metres per second. However, other parts of the country – as attested by this photo taken in the eastern part of the country – show gusts far exceeding this speed.
Capital area police are warning people traveling on foot or by car to take extra care, as injuries have been reported. The city is requesting all parents to pick up their children from school as well.
Perhaps the most stunning visual of weather conditions right now is this video, taken of Sæbraut, the road that runs along the north shore of downtown Reykjavík.
The forecast predicts that wind speeds should reduce over the weekend. In the meantime, the Grapevine urges everyone to be safe as they venture out for tonight’s festivities at Airwaves.