The Reykjavik Grapevine

Coast Guard Most Trusted Institution

The Icelandic Coast Guard was the most trusted institution among those included in a new survey conducted by Market And Media Research (MMR).
The survey asked respondents for their level of trust towards various government institutions. Possible responses provided to how much trust a respondent had in an institution were “very much”, “some”, “not much” and “little”.
Of the institutions included, the Icelandic Coast Guard enjoyed the most trust, with 87.3% saying they trusted them very much, as opposed to 2.5% trusting them a little. National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police came in second, at 64.9% against 10.6%, followed by the Supreme Court, at 53.2% to 19.5%.
The least trusted institution in the survey, the Directorate of Immigration, had a fairly even divide between trust and distrust, at 27.4% to 26.3%. This is actually an increase in trust from the previous survey, when 22.2% said they trusted them very much.
In fact, all the institutions included in the survey have experienced some degree of rising trust since the last survey, which was conducted in February 2011.