Salt Makers Want Their Danish Money
Salt makers in West Iceland intend to apply for a 226 year old grant from Denmark, when Queen Margrethe II visits this week.
Over two centuries ago, the Danish monarchy promised a grant to anyone who could start a salt production in the area, or in Iceland in general.
For more than 30 years men tried to produce salt from the sea, using the shallows in fjord Breiðafjörður and the hot springs close by.
However, all attempts failed and the dream of making salt from the sea of Breiðafjörður seemed just that, until earlier this year when Norðursalt was founded.
Co-founders Garðar Stefánsson and Søren Rosenkilde, who is actually from Denmark, now hope to be able to claim the grant that was promised in 1787, reports.
They have even visited the Danish state archives and found documents proving their case.
Garðar and Søren have asked the President’s office to deliver a letter to the Queen of Denmark who visits Iceland this week, where they confirm mission accomplished, merely 226 years later.
In the meantime though, Iceland has gained independence and the Danish rigsdaler, the currency of that time, don’t exist anymore so Garðar and Søren are moderately optimistic that the Danish monarchy will reward them for finally managing to produce salt in Iceland.