The Reykjavik Grapevine

“I Prepared To Be Beated To A Pulp”

An Icelander who took part in the Christmas festivities of Takanakuy, Peru recounted his experience for reporters.

DV reports that footballer Marteinn Briem took part in Takanakuy’s most famous Christmas tradition: a group fist fight.

Marteinn said that when it came his turn to fight, he found his opponent was wearing steel-toed boots. Marteinn, not to keen to go up against a fighter in steel-toed boots, received a new opponent instead. This new fighter he described as “reasonably well built with a powerful swing. I really didn’t want to fight him, but I didn’t want to chicken out again. So I got in the ring and prepared to be beaten to a pulp.”

From this point, Marteinn’s memory gets a little fuzzy, but he recalled that “after a few exchange of punches, I pushed him, and he fell to the ground. This made me the winner. What a relief. All my teeth where they should be.” Marteinn then left the ring under a hail of applause.

You can see Marteinn’s fight in the video below: