Ministers Asked To Boycott Winter Olympics
A member of parliament has called upon both the Minister of Culture and Education and the Minister of Social Affairs to boycott the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia.
Vísir reports that Social Democrat MP Sigríður Ingibjörg Ingadóttir has called upon Iceland’s political leaders to boycott the games, amongst them Minister of Culture and Education Illugi Gunnarsson and Minister of Social Affairs Eygló Harðardóttir.
Sigríður brought the matter up in parliament, pointing out that The National Queer Organization has called upon the Icelandic government to protest Russian anti-LGBT legislation, and to pressure them into changing it.
“If a minister intends to participate in the Olympics,” she said, “Then, to my mind, they are obligated to object strongly to the serious violation of human rights which have been ongoing in Russia.”
Illugi responded that he has every intention to convey his objections “if the opportunity arises”, but cautioned against mixing the Olympics with politics.