Winners of the ‘BEST LIVE BAND’ category of our second annual music awards, Grísalappalísa, just unleashed a cover of a tune by Stuðmenn – Iceland’s favourite pop band. The song in question, “Strax í dag,” is goddamn great, and seeing how they are playing a show with Icelandic music’s poet laureate Megas today at Gamla Bíó, we couldn’t help but throw a few questions their way.
What’s with that whole ‘covering Stuðmenn’ thing?
Last year, we released a 7″ inch vinyl called ‘Grísalappalísa syngur Megas’ (“Grísalappalísa Sings Megas”) featuring two covers of songs by our musical idol, the legendary rock n roll singer/songwriter Megas. Our idea is to release a 7″ inch covering legendary Icelandic musician for each album of our own material. So last year it was ALI’ and Megas, this year it’s ‘Rökrétt Framhald’ and Stuðmenn. Our intention is to be really prolific and release a lot of material when we’re working together – cos we know in a few years it will be harder for us to be in the same place at the same time.
Are you secretly trying to re-assemble the old Stuðmenn gang by making their songs popular with today’s youth? Because we could totally get behind that.
I think Stuðmenn actually got together a few weeks ago and had a huge concert at Harpa. So they really don’t need our help to get together or to get Icelanders to listen to their music. I mean, everybody knows their songs; maybe there are some people that don’t admit it, but then that’s their problem. I guess the purpose of the 7″ inch series is to give these old classics a twist; and maybe introduce these songs to some people that haven’t heard them, or maybe make it acceptable for the hipster to like them. Plus, it’s really fun to perform them live (both Stuðmenn and Megas). The purpose of the series is also a little self-important, to try to tie in our own music with Icelandic pop history. So it’s a bit of self-promoting act as well.
Which canonical outfit is next on your list?
We don’t want to give it away. Here are some names, though: Björgvin Halldórsson, Bubbi Morthens, Sykurmolarnir, Elly Vilhjálms, Sálin hans Jóns míns, Grýlurnar, Írafár, Skítamórall. Canonical stuff. The main condition is that it’s classic and it’s sung in Icelandic. Which of these artist do you want us to cover? Maybe you can put up a poll on your website?
On a scale of one to ten, how likely are you to play “Strax í dag” tonight? How about at your other Airwaves shows?
We won’t play “Strax í dag” at our Thursday gig with Megas at Gamla bíó. We’re focusing on his material for that one. Maybe he’ll let us play one of our own tunes as well. He’s the master, and we abide. But we will definitely play it at some point on Friday or Saturday. We have a lot of material, and we’ll play different stuff each gig. So if you like rock n roll, following us around is definitely worth it.
You can catch Grísalappalísa this Airwaves on the following dates:
November 6: Gamla Bíó at 23:00
November 7: The Laundromat Café (off-venue) at 13:00
November 8: Slippbarinn (off-venue) at 17:45, Gaukurinn at 23:20
See Also:
Desperate, Drunk And Love Sick
Track Of The Issue: Grísalappalísa’s “Nýlendugata-Pálsbæjarvör-Grótta”
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