Welcome To The First Day Of “Summer”!
You might not know it to see it, but tomorrow is the First Day of Summer in Iceland.
On this day, Icelanders celebrate the end of winter and the start of the sunny, balmy summer weather that Iceland is not at all known for.
According to superstition, if this day is particularly cold, it is said that “winter and summer have frozen together”. This is seen as a portent for a warm summer. While the veracity of that belief is subject to debate – especially if the last three summers are any indication – RÚV reports that winter and summer will likely freeze together once again.
Temperatures are to be at or near the freezing point tomorrow morning. As the day progresses, there will be continuous rain and sleet in the southwest, and high winds across southern Iceland. The weather is expected to clear up considerably the following day.
Whether this time the freezing of winter and summer together will yield its promised results still remains to be seen.