Where Was It Shot: ‘Noah’
“Russell Crowe ate here while filming in Iceland,” I gawk at my friend over a steaming pile of pad Thai. Back in 2014, Crowe reached biblical heights as “Noah” in, you guessed it, ‘Noah’. Crowe endured nearly 40 days and 40 nights of rain while shooting at various locations in south Iceland, describing the filming conditions as “Chinese water torture” in an interview with the Daily Mail.
Oscar-nominated director Darren Aronofsky’s interpretation of the Book of Genesis story did not go without controversy, showing the great flood from an environmental standpoint alongside scenes of evolution. To address criticism, the perpetual grump from down under made plans to meet Pope Francis before making his debut as our favourite floating zookeeper. Reaching out to his holiness, Crowe Tweeted: “Holy Father it would be my deepest pleasure to bring the film to you.”
God is yet to respond.