The Reykjavik Grapevine

Tourists Threatening To Cancel Iceland Trips If Circumcision Ban Goes Through

As Iceland’s child circumcision ban still looms on the horizon, tourists are contacting tour companies in the country, threatening to cancel their vacations if the ban goes through.

The matter was brought to light in Bakland Ferðaþjónusunnar, a Facebook group for Icelandic tour guides. There, Jón Gunnar Benjamínsson of Iceland Unlimited posted a screenshot of an email his company received:

Some other tour guides and managers reported receiving similar e-mails. Their response, however, has ranged between bemusement to apathy.

“Raise your hand if you’ve lost a lot of business due to: whaling, driving in the right lane, the atheism of Icelanders, a statement from the government about anything, that places are open on the Sabbath, or anything else,” one guide asked the group. “People who send these statements never really intended to enjoy what the country has to offer.”

Others were decidedly puzzled as to why tour guides would be held responsible for legislation that the Icelandic government is proposing. No one was particularly worried about losing business.


The Controversy Of Circumcision: Questions Of Body Integrity And Religious Persecution Clash