First Icelandic Woman To Drive To South Pole Spends Christmas In Antarctica

Ragnheiður Guðjónsdóttir has become the first Icelandic woman to drive to the South Pole, and spent Christmas there with eight other Icelanders.

Ragnheiður announced the achievement on December 22, posting her coordinates—S 90°00.000′, W 00°00.000’—as well as the weather conditions there: sunny and a balmy -23°.

Vilborg Arna Gissurardóttir, herself the first solo Icelander to reach the South Pole, cheered her on from afar, praising her as “one of the coolest in the business”.

Ragnheiður was not alone, either, as Fréttablaðið reports she spent Christmas in Antarctica with eight other Icelanders who were also at the South Pole. There, they opened presents that some had brought along with them and put up decorations as weather permitted.

The group are expected back in Iceland in early January.