The Environment Agency of Iceland has granted a permit to the Reykjavík Family Park & Zoo to fly in a ball python as a new resident, MBL reports. While there is no exact timetable on when this python will make an appearance, at least one member of Reykjavík City Council is against the idea.
Ball pythons, like any other reptile, are not native to Iceland, and the new zoo resident would have special requirements. Their environment requires at least 50% humidity and temperatures no less than 21°C, so escape would prove fatal for the creature.
While there is as yet no set date as to when the python will come to Iceland, RÚV reports that Hildur Björnsdóttir, a Reykjavík City councilperson for the Independence Party, is already against the idea.
The position should be of no surprise to those familiar with Hildur’s opinions on the zoo. Last December, she submitted a proposal to City Council that the zoo house only domesticated animals—which it does, for the most part, but with some notable exceptions, including seals, several species of birds, and reindeer. The proposal stated furthermore that only Icelandic domesticated animals should be permitted.
For this reason, the proposed addition of a West African python is also unsurprisingly off the table, as far as she is concerned. Although again, it is as yet uncertain when or if the python will make it to Iceland.
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