Icelandic airline

Play Will Not Fly Passengers Without Tests

New budget Icelandic airline Play has announced it will not fly passengers to Iceland who cannot present a negative COVID test.

The new rule will step into effect tomorrow, July 29th, in accord with new COVID border controls, which require travelers to present negative COVID tests at the border.

In a recent statement, Birgur Jónsson, CEO of Play, said:

“It is our duty to ensure the safety of passengers and crew and it is not possible for Play to allow people on board without trying to ensure that they do not have Covid-19. This is a temporary measure in the interest of safety.”

However, Play is also requiring negative tests from citizens as well. Play emphasizes that this is not in violation of any rights, but that the travel of those who do not comply with the new rules may be subject to disruption.

Stay up to date with the latest COVID developments here.

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