RVK Newscast #122: Covid Shoots Up And An American Aviator Drops In
Pandemic infection numbers for Iceland leapt up again last week. But the Nordic nation had already reacted to recent rises, implementing new border controls and domestic measures. We look at how businesses such as airlines and shops have handled the new restrictions, and how foreign governments are likely to view their nationals travelling to Iceland.
Also Iceland is one of the places you’ll want to be if the world finally blunders into terminal disintegration, according to research published by a British university. Apparently an island nation – with a small population, a lot of energy, and a consistent (if chilly) climate – makes a fine place to see out the end of days.
John Pearson walks you through these stories – plus the strange tale of the American aviator who drove her plane into an Icelandic petrol station.
Watch the plane video here.
New walking tours of Reykjavík are scheduled in August with Valur and Bjartmar Alexandersson, (co-presenter of The Icelandic Perspective), as your guides. If you want to meet the guys – and Pollý – click this link.
Newscast supported by Einstök Beer
Want to buy an Icelandic wool sweater?
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