Grapevine’s 12th ‘Ask Me Anything’ Is Now Online!
Here at last is the Reykjavík Grapevine’s 12th ‘Ask Me Anything’ session.
Here, editor-in-chief Valur Grettisson and news editor Andie Sophia Fontaine answer questions asked by those readers who are in our High Five Club (Secret Handshake or Elbow High Five) or the Connoisseur level of our Youtube membership. This session was moderated by YouTube content coordinator Josie Anne Gaitens.
We had a really fun time answering your intriguing and engaging questions about Iceland, our magazine, and about us personally. If you’d like to take part in the next one, you can do so through either of the links above.
In any event, we had a great time, and we hope you did, too. We also hope to see even more new faces next time!