The moratorium on whaling, enacted by Minister of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Svandís Svavarsdóttir on June 20, has been lifted.
This decision follows a cabinet meeting taking place at Egilsstaðir today.
In May, a report made by the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority (MAST) confirmed the inhumane hunting methods of whales in Icelandic waters.
A day before hunting season started, on June 20, Minister Svandís Svavarsdóttir banned whale hunting temporarily, until August 31.
In the meantime, the minister assembled a task force to identify better and more humane ways for whale hunting.
Today, August 31, the temporary ban was lifted with conditions. The minister requires stronger demands for fishing methods and facilities, as well as increased monitoring of whale hunting, among other things
The current permission lasts until the end of 2023.
Hvalavinir Group – an anti-whaling group – have organised a demonstration by the Reykjavík Harbour, today at 17:00.
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