Lowest Number of Advertised Apartment Rentals Recorded
As of today, there are only 179 apartments advertised for rent in Reykjavík, the lowest recorded number of available rentals. [su_pullquote]Who better to ask what’s best in
Proportion Of First-Time Apartment Buyers Never Higher Than Now
According to Landsbankinn, in the third quarter this year, almost 34 percent of all buyers of residential housing in the capital area were buying their first apartment. The proport
60 Sq. Metre Apartments At 40 Million ISK For “First Time Buyers” In Iceland
Some 800 apartments that will soon be built in Reykjavík come with a very daunting price tag, but are intended for first-time home buyers. The apartments, to be located at [&helli
Political Party Treasurer Crowdfunding First Apartment
The treasurer of the Left-Green Movement has started a crowdfunding campaign to finance the buying of her first apartment. Una Hildardóttir told Vísir that she started the campai
Housing Prices Never Higher
Housing prices in Iceland are at the highest they have ever been according to a report by Landsbankinn, and increasing shortages mean that they are expected to go even higher. [&he
It’s Never Been Harder To Own A Place In Reykjavík
It has rarely been this hard to start out in the property market in Reykjavík for the first time and sadly, it does not seem like this will change in […]
Rental Apartment Con Artist At Large
Grapevine has received a copy of an email from a con artist who has been trying to scam would-be renters out of money. Stundin reports that a man using the […]