New Bread Cake Champion Announced
Guðrún Sigríður Matthíasdóttir from Ísafjörður has won the title of the Icelandic Bread Cake champion. Gunna Sigga came to Reykjavík for the championship, reports Vísir.
We <3 Cake: Baunin Serves Up Vegan Treats For The Ages
Covered with delicate, earthy, abstract flowers overlaid in rich jewel tones, you’d be forgiven for wondering if you’d just walked in on some sort of woodland fairy feast when
Don’t Ask Nanna: About Being Cold
Dear Nanna, My wife is Icelandic and this week it snowed a lot here in Copenhagen. Since the bad weather my wife has been complaining a lot about being cold and […]
Anna’s Editorial: Our Prime Minister Eating Things
The average Icelander probably doesn’t find parliamentary debates all that exciting. This week, however, they’ve been all the buzz. Why is that? Because our prime minister, the