Icelandic Facebook Group: Motivation Stelpur
The obesity rate in Iceland currently stands at 22.8%, which is significantly lower than Britain’s gargantuan 28.1% but still embarrassingly higher than Denmark’s svelte 19.5%.
Icelandic Facebook Groups: Ný Orð
Icelandic has an undeserved reputation for being a prescriptivist, gatekeeping language. While this is definitely true when it comes to given names, it’s not as true for the rest
Icelandic Facebook Groups: Pabbatips
Facebook can affect an individual in two ways: either you end up voting for Donald Trump, or you lose hope for humankind entirely because other people voted for Donald Trump [&hell
Icelandic Facebook Groups: Leiga á Íslandi
So you’re moving to Iceland! Congratulations. You’ve got your visa, you’ve packed your suitcase and you’ve Googled pictures of the Blue Lagoon. You’re halfway there. All
Iceland Facebook Groups: Kettir á Facebook
Officially called, “Kettir á Facebook, aðdáendur katta og allir dýravinir (KAFAKAD)”or “Cats on Facebook, cat admirers and all animal friends”this group proves that Ice
Icelandic Facebook Groups: Kommóða Kalígarís
Icelanders don’t shy away from horror movies and the Facebook group Kommóða Kalígarís contains everything to fulfill anyone’s horror needs, with a little extra as well—fr
Icelandic Facebook Groups: The Drug Groups
DISCLAIMER: Drugs are illegal in Iceland and also stupid. That said… Let’s say you’re an aspiring drug dealer with no friends—how do you move your shit? How do you get
Icelandic Facebook Groups: Away From Home – Living In Iceland
Perhaps due to Sigur Rós or maybe the Panama Papers, Iceland has become a hubbub of immigration. According to Statistics Iceland, around 32,000 immigrants live in the country, whi
Icelandic Facebook Groups: Kúrufélaga grúbban
In other parts of the world, lonely people flock to Craigslist. A quick scan of the New York City personals board sees posts begging for sex, advertising “sensual massages,” an
Icelandic Facebook Groups: Hundasamfélagið
2016 and 2017 have been rough times for humanity. Syria, Orlando, Manchester, Alan Rickman, Donald Trump, Harambe, the list goes on. Of course, we’re not trying to trivialize the
Icelandic Facebook Groups: Vegan Ísland
Vegan Ísland was selected for this issue’s spotlight due to some beautiful drama that went down there only last week. Drama that will illustrate better than anything why Iceland
Icelandic Facebook Groups: Nýtt Íslenskt Hiphop
The hip-hop scene in Iceland is boomin’. From big names like Sturla Atlas to newbies like JoíPé, it seems like every Adidas-wearing boy is either a rapper or a rap […]
Icelandic Facebook Groups: Gefins, allt gefins!
So, you’re a poor Icelandic millennial working tirelessly on your new post-bluegrass-electronic EP. Luckily, your rich grandma just bought you a dope apartment downtown. While it
Icelandic Facebook Groups: Skutlarar
Iceland has a peculiar obsession with Facebook groups. Think about it: with a population of 320,000 it’s not unreasonable for a group like “Vegan Ísland” with 13,000 mem
Icelandic Facebook Groups: Beauty Tips!
Iceland has a peculiar obsession with Facebook groups. Think about it: with a population of around 330,000 it’s not unreasonable for a group like “Vegan Ísland” to contain l