Grapevine New Music Picks: Eldmóðir, Eydís Evensen, FLOTT & More
After a quiet start to the week, we’re wrapping it up with releases by some huge names in Icelandic music. Much like the yellow level storm warning that swept the […]
Another Victory For Iceland: Jóhanna Gúðrun Wins Dancing With The Stars
Life has never been better for Icelandic athletes. First our football team qualified for the World Cup and is still ready to smite the world; then Ólafía Þórunn Kristinsd
What Have We Won?: Jóhanna Guðrún’s Second Place Triumph
In a previous Grapevine article, British journalist and unabashed Eurovision-obsessé Joanna Smith described Eurovision as, “The time of year when half the population of Europe g
Jóhanna Guðrún’s Perfect Day In Reykjavík
Jóhanna Guðrún is an Icelandic pop singer best known for her iconic 2008 Eurovision song ‘Is It True?’ To learn more about her, we sat down with the Hafnarfjörður resident