The Grapevine Reader’s Poll Results
Well, we had to get in on the act, and set up our own online poll. As with all open-ended online polls, ours too was completely unscientific, only with the […]
Choose Your Team! What Your Next Government Might Look Like
One of the questions we asked every party currently polling high enough to win seats in Parliament this election year who they could see themselves partnering with in a coalition.
Many Voters Still Undecided Weeks Before Elections
Only 57% of those contacted for a new poll, conducted by The Social Science Research Institute for Morgunblaðið, had answers to give regarding which party they would vote for if
What Does A Utopian Iceland Look Like? Five Icelanders Talk About The Future
We regularly see articles published in the international press about Iceland, touting it as some kind of ultra-feminist, anti-banker paradise of clean living and social welfare. Wh
Bright Future And Left-Greens See Rise In Support
A new poll from Gallup shows that, amongst the parties with a realistic chance of winning seats in parliament later this month, only two of them have seen a rise […]
The Reykjavík Grapevine Election Poll Extravaganza!
Elections are coming up this month, and although you might not even live in Iceland (let alone have the right to vote), we at the Grapevine are very curious to […]
Sigmundur Davíð Unseated As Progressive Chair
Former Prime Minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson is now also the former chairperson of the Progressive Party, as party primary voting yesterday unseated him. Current Prime Mini
Viðreisn Moves Into Third Place In New Poll
A new poll from Market and Media Research shows centre-right newcomers Viðreisn are continuing their ascendancy, and are now polling third highest amongst parties Icelanders said
Pirates And Conservatives Neck-And-Neck
The latest poll from Market and Media Research shows the two parties at a statistical tie, and it is still too soon to say if the tide is turning for […]
Political Newcomers Steadily Climbing In Polls
A new Gallup poll shows that a party formed only earlier this year may be set to overtake several established parties in the run-up to next month’s elections. RÚV reports [&
Artificial Intelligence To Transcribe Parliamentary Speeches
Parliament could be using artificial intelligence to transcribe speeches within two years’ time. In a statement to the press, the University of Reykjavík announced today tha
Trump Apparently Still Soliciting Illegal Donations From Icelandic MPs
Despite a formal complaint from the Federal Elections Committee against him for this behaviour, at least one Icelandic MP attests that he “regularly” receives campaign
MPs Vote Against Cutting Subsidies To Farmers Who Abuse Animals
MPs for the Independence Party and the Progressives voted against a change to agricultural laws that would have cut off subsidies to farmers who have been found guilty of serious [
Low Voter Turn-Out Predicted
Party primaries have been so poorly attended that turn-out for parliamentary elections may be decidedly low, a professor at the University of Akureyri says. With parliamentary elec
Pirates And Conservatives Neck-And-Neck In Gallup Poll
A new Gallup poll shows the Independence Party and the Pirate Party have fairly even levels of support, with elections less than two months away. Vísir reports that, according to
Pirates Continue Tumble, Independence Party Squeaks Into First
A new poll from Market and Media Research shows the Pirate Party continuing its downward trend since last March, while the Independence Party has now managed to edge into first [&h
Heroes & Villains: Early Elections
Our new hero is election season. This year we have been blessed with early elections, tentatively to be held on October 29, months ahead of the previously scheduled date in [&helli
Parliament Could Change Significantly After Elections
Over a quarter of Iceland’s members of parliament so far have announced they will not be running in this October’s parliamentary elections, and recent opinion polls ind
Parliamentary Elections Date Announced
After about four months of waiting, the government has at last decided on October 29 for early parliamentary elections. RÚV reports that the ruling coalition of the Progressives a
Farmers And Government May Reach Agreement Over Cheese
Farmers and parliament have been at odds over a number of issues for years, but may reach harmony over the subject of imported cheese. Vísir reports that amongst the changes [&hel
Pirates Propose Free Dental Care; Conservative Calls Idea “Populism”
Vísir reports that the Pirate Party has put forward the idea of dental care free of initial fees. While Icelandic Health Insurance estimates that such an implementation could cost