Discussions Held In Parliament Over 30 Hour Working Week
Talks are currently being held in Parliament over whether the full time working week should be 30 hours or not. The Minister of Finance says that the estimated cost of […]
Poll: Centre Party Disappearing; Left-Greens And Conservatives See Support Rise
The Centre Party is on the verge of polling low enough to not gain any seats in Parliament if elections were held today, a new poll conducted by Maskína for […]
Gallup: Centre Dips, Socialists Rise In Support
A new poll from Gallup shows some interesting changes from their previous poll taken the month prior. Just over 9,000 people were reached out to in this poll, taken from […]
Iceland’s Political Parties: Who Are These People?
As we regularly report on polls reflecting voter support for Iceland’s political parties, and as elections are coming up this autumn, we at the Grapevine thought it might be
Poll: Voting Support Shifting Amongst Leftist And Centrist Parties
The latest poll from Market and Media Research shows some shifts in support amongst left and centre parties when it comes to who Icelandic voters say they would vote for […]
Has Decided Not To Tell People To “Go F*ck Themselves” In Public Discussions
A member of Parliament for the Left-Greens has taken a public stance about political discourse, drawing a connection between verbal abuse and its effects on the work of politicians
Bill Re-Submitted To Allow Home Brewing For Private Consumption
Helgi Hrafn Gunnarsson, MP for the Pírate Party, has re-submitted a bill to lift the ban on home brewing for private consumption. The bill is also backed by other members [&hellip
Parliamentary Poll On Reykjavík Area: Progressives Out In Reykjavík, Socialists In
Polling conducted by Maskína for Stöð 2, Vísir and Bylgjan on the three capital area voting districts—Reykjavík North, Reykjavík South and the Southwest—show a very diffe
MP Proposes Ban On Holocaust Denialism
An MP for the Social Democrats submitted a bill to Parliament last Tuesday that proposes an addition to the Icelandic Penal Code: making Holocaust denialism a punishable offense. T
MP Calls For An End To The “Trans Tax”
Member of Parliament Andrés Ingi Jónsson raised the issue of the 9,000 ISK fee being levied on people who seek to change their name and gender marker in the National […]
Pirates Propose More Than Two Can Register For Legal Cohabitation
A parliamentary proposal from the Pirate Party requests that current laws be reviewed and changed, so that more than two people can register for legal cohabitation, RÚV reports. P
Conservatives See Dip In Support In New Poll
A new poll from Market and Media Research shows the conservative Independence Party experiencing a dip in support, while their partners in the ruling coalition make gains. Oppositi
Passage Of Bills Protecting Intersex Children And Others All But Certain
Every party in Parliament except one voted in favour of three bills, submitted by the Prime Minister’s office, which will help protect intersex children and increase rights f
Poll: Conservatives With Twice The Support Of Social Dems; Smaller Parties Doing Better
A new poll from Market and Media Research shows some intriguing results, albeit none that bode well for the current ruling coalition, with parliamentary elections some 10 months aw
Two Conservative MPs Disagree Over Abortion Issue
Minister of Justice Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir says that she disagrees with her party colleague, Ásmundur Friðriksson, who says too many abortions are being carried out in
Poll: Only Three Parties With Double-Digit Support
A new poll from Market and Media Research, conducted from November 6th to 11th, shows only three parties measuring in the double digits in terms of levels of support: the […
Polls: No Majority Possible Without The Independence Party
Current Gallup polling of Iceland’s viable political parties shows that, if elections were held today, a ruling coalition of one or two parties would not be possible, and a t
Poll: Conservatives Trend Downward; Social Democrats Upward
Few surprises were revealed in Market and Media Research’s new monthly poll on who Icelanders would vote for if parliamentary elections were held today. However, Kjarninn poi
Employment Rights Of Foreign Citizens To Be Increased
Six Left Green Party MPs have submitted a parliamentary resolution proposing that a working group be appointed to help increase employment rights of citizens from outside the EEA,
MPs Show Concern Over COVID-19 Actions
MPs and ministers have expressed their doubts over the Minister of Health, Svandís Svavarsdóttir’s COVID-19 control measures, according to Fréttablaðið. There are concerns w
Minister Of Justice Under Fire For Refugee Camp Proposal
Minister of Justice, Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir, has come under fire after suggesting that demarcation areas be set up to accommodate refugees in Iceland whilst they await d