Snow Blanketing North And East Iceland
An avalanche warning has been issued for some parts of the country, as snow will continue to blanket the north and the east of Iceland. Vísir reports that high winds […]
Winter Barges Its Way Into November
If you were just getting used to the splendor of autumn, bad news: winter decided to make an early appearance. If you woke up in Reykjavík this morning, you probably […]
Stormy Weather In East Iceland Today
Winds could reach decidedly dangerous speeds in east and southeast Iceland today, but should calm down again by the middle of the week. Vísir reports that these regions of the [&h
Decidedly Awful Weather For Election Day
This Saturday could see some decidedly terrible weather in many parts of the country, just in time for Icelanders to go to the polls. RÚV reports that election day may […]
Tropical Storm Nicole Touching Down In Iceland
The weather system that was once a hurricane that slammed Bermuda has all but touched down in Iceland as a tropical storm, bringing with it very high winds that are […]
Your Weekend Forecast: Dryer, Getting Gradually Colder
If the torrential downpour that has reigned over Iceland for the past few days has gotten you down, take heart: this weekend should be kind to you. According to the […]
Heavy Rain And Flood Warning In Full Effect
The Icelandic Met Office is warning people that very heavy rains are to be expected over the next couple days, making travel in certain parts of Iceland downright dangerous. RÚV [
Your Weather Forecast: Prepare To Be Unsurprised
Iceland’s in for weather as shifty as usual. Over the next few days, different parts of the country are going to take turns enjoying showering in the rain and sitting […]
High Temperatures And Sunny Skies Most Of The Week
The first half of this week should bring a welcome reprise of the warm and sunny weather the capital area experienced for much of the summer. While the past week […]
Summer Is Not Over, Meteorologist Reminds Public
Don’t let the cold, rainy weather fool you – it really is still summer in Iceland. “All talk about summer being over is completely untimely,” meteorologist
Yet Another Sunny Weekend In Reykjavík
The weather gods have once again smiled upon Iceland’s capital, as this weekend will be both warm and sunny. The latest forecasts for the greater Reykjavík area show a weeke
Something Resembling Summer All This Week In Reykjavík
The week’s weather forecast for the capital area shows mostly clear skies and scorching temperatures (by Icelandic standards anyway). If you’re in the capital area righ
This Summer Has Already Broken Last Summer’s Heat Record
Summer in Iceland is off to a broiling start, and has already broken the heat record made last summer. RÚV reports that in 2015, the northeast Iceland town of Seyðisfjörður [&h
Iceland To Be Scorched By Weekend Heat Wave
This weekend could prove to be decidedly summery for every corner of the country, if current weather forecasts hold out. As can be seen by the above image, today and […]
“Heatwave” In Northeast Iceland
This week the heat will reach 20°C (69°F) in northeast Iceland. In the west however, temperatures will barely reach 10°C (50°F). RÚV reports this change in the weather started
Summer Far Kinder To Northeast Iceland Than Reykjavík
The weather forecast for the next few days illustrates a common theme in Icelandic summers: the northeast gets better weather than the southwest. If you were in Reykjavík last wee
Excellent Weather Predicted This Week
If you were hoping to be able to enjoy some quality time outdoors in Iceland this week, you may be in luck. Vísir reports that meteorologists are expecting warm and/or […]
Do Winter & Summer “Freeze Together?” Weather Myth EXPOSED
Each year in Iceland, the first Thursday after the 18th April each year is the official beginning of the summer, marked by a national holiday. That’s today! Happy summer. Acc
Welcome To The First Day Of “Summer”!
You might not know it to see it, but tomorrow is the First Day of Summer in Iceland. On this day, Icelanders celebrate the end of winter and the start […]
Say Goodbye To Sunny Weather
The warm and sunny weather that has bathed Iceland in spring tidings this week is on its way out for the weekend. Vísir reports that the cold will begin creeping […]
Warm And Sunny Weather This Week
Warm temperatures and at least partially clear skies can be expected over the next several days. RÚV reports that the Icelandic Met Office has forecast some great weather for the