An Apology To Obladi Oblada

It was brought to our attention today that there is a mistake in our Bar Guide, which appears in the latest issue of The Reykjavík Grapevine. Specifically, we mistook Obladi Oblada for a karaoke bar, which it is not.
We take full responsibility for the error and apologise to those who were affected by it. We have taken the review out of the online versions of the issue (pdf and issuu) and we will run a correction in the next print edition.
To make our third annual Bar Guide, we sent a team of 14 reviewers to nearly 60 bars in 101 Reykjavík. They were instructed to drink one beer at each bar and note the following:

General description:
A description of the atmosphere. What’s it like to be there?


The cheapest price of a large beer, glass of wine, and ‘single + mixer’.
Type (DJ, playlist, live music) plus genre.
Who hangs out there?
Special features:
What does this bar have that separates it from the bunch, if anything?
In a nutshell:
One brief sentence to sum up the bar.
On a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the highest.

The Bar Guide is a massive task that takes a lot of man-hours to pull off. We strive to be as accurate as possible. To that end, we review every entry and make an effort to confirm an assessment if it is extreme in either direction or sounds unfamiliar to what we know to be true. Unfortunately this time around, Obladi Oblada seems to have slipped through the cracks.
As the introduction to our guide states: “…you may not agree with everything we’ve written as our tastes may differ greatly from yours or we may just be wrong (you can write us an angry letter about that), but ultimately this guide is for entertainment and informational purposes, and it is meant to incite discourse more than anything. And if it helps you find a new bar you love, then that’s all the better.”
We are sorry about the error in our review of Obladi Oblada, but hope that you can enjoy the rest of the guide in light of the above.
On behalf of the paper,
Anna Andersen